By: Andy Wood The biodiverse Southeastern North Carolina region is a place that supports 1,500 different plant species, arranged in a diverse array of natural habitats, but more than 70% of those habitats are now lost, mostly due to human land alteration for roads, buildings, farming, and other uses. It’s no secret this ecoregion’s land… Continue reading Observations from Howe Creek
A Note From Habitat Manager Andy Wood
Southeast North Carolina has long been recognized as an area of unrivaled ecological wonders. This place is home to more different kinds of plants and animals than anywhere in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, north of Florida. Now more than ever, the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy needs your financial support to maintain and preserve this special… Continue reading A Note From Habitat Manager Andy Wood
A Note From the NENHC President
I hope this note finds you safe and healthy and that you enjoyed some outdoor time this year. We are grateful to our donors and appreciate your continued support of our singular work to protect the last best pieces of New Hanover County’s natural heritage for future generations to benefit from and enjoy. Below are… Continue reading A Note From the NENHC President
Landfall Lake
Several Landfall residents have expressed their concern about Upper Lake’s (next to Horseshoe Lake) appearance, notably the seemingly low water level. Discussions were recently held with the Corps of Engineers to ask about raising the lake’s water level some six to eight inches above its current static level. The Corps deferred to the NC Department… Continue reading Landfall Lake
Conservation Areas
This year we were contacted by the NCSU Agriculture Foundation and asked to consider accepting deeds of conservation for a collection of conserved lands around the Mayfair shopping center. After conducting a rapid assessment of the properties, we determined the liability and complex management challenges they pose make these sites unsuitable for us to take-on. We… Continue reading Conservation Areas
Landfall Nature Trails Update
NATURE TRAILS A winter woodland in Landfall supporting several dozen plant species along with songbirds, turtles, and amphibians. Note the storm-wrought debris that needs to be removed and mulched to reduce fire risk and create walkable trail surfaces. In recent years, our nature trails, within Landfall especially, have suffered from storm damage that accompany hurricanes.… Continue reading Landfall Nature Trails Update
Field Notes by Andy Wood
Andy Wood, NENHC Habitat Manager As mentioned in the introduction, the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy’s area of interest is a roughly 20-square mile area of, as our name implies, northeast New Hanover County, NC. The properties we manage include some of the last best examples of this region’s natural heritage. For quick orientation, southeast North… Continue reading Field Notes by Andy Wood
Message from the President
I hope this note finds you safe and healthy and that you have enjoyed some outdoor time. The Conservancy is glad we made it through hurricane season with little fanfare, considering the harms these storms exact on trees growing in our conservation areas. This newsletter provides quick updates about our ongoing works to monitor, manage,… Continue reading Message from the President
A CONSERVANCY CONVERSATION By: Andy Wood, Conservation Ecologist A young Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) surveys a rainpool inside a Northeast New Hanover Conservancy property in the gated Landfall community. This sharp-eyed bird of prey eats mice, frogs, lizards, snakes, and other small animals. Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates sphenocephala) were on the hawk’s menu this day.… Continue reading A CONSERVANCY CONVERSATION
Landfall Nature Trail Update Our nature trails within Landfall have suffered from storm damage over the years. They were originally designed as walking trails with vegetative mulch used to create a raised and smooth surface. The climate is causing the wetlands to fill more than normal so that some of the nature trails have some… Continue reading Untitled