In 2014 we replaced Osprey nest platforms in the Conservancy’s North Marsh property located between the Intracoastal Waterway and northern end of Figure Eight Island. This past summer (2016), three of the four Osprey nest platforms were occupied by nesting osprey! All told, at least nine Osprey chicks were observed during the early part of their respective development, though it is not known how many offspring successfully left the nest.
Ospreys are migratory fish-eating birds that overwinter in southern regions of North America, and Central and South America. Ospreys migrate northward in early spring to reach breeding grounds throughout much of North America. Shown here is restored Platform 2, with a defensive parent in attendance. The platform was selected by a male Osprey in late April. Soon after, he and his mate completed a stick nest that fledged at least one young bird this summer. Platform 4 saw our first occupancy this year and all the platforms are popular with many fish-eating birds, including colorful Belted Kingfishers that use the high perches to spy fishy prey in the surrounding marsh.
Map of restored Osprey platforms (left), and image of a platform (right).